miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2020


Why are people putting rainbow pictures in their windows?

Rainbow pictures have been placed in windows to cheer up passers by.
These pictures are meant to offer a message of hope to the public during the coronavirus lockdown.
They have primarily been drawn by children urging people to keep positive, with rainbows showing that the sun follows heavy rainfall.

Now it's time to create our rainbows with a positive message to create a big mural at school and think we are going to survive this virus.
Click on this photo and you can create your rainbow like mine
1.-Editas el texto de arriba (text 1)
2.-Editas el slogan escribiendo tu nombre (text 2)
3.-En Layout puedes mover el logo
4.-Le añades Background (fondo)
5.-En Shape le puedes poner etiquetas
6.-Cuando lo tengas terminado clicas en SHARE (arriba en barra negra)  y te saldrá una ventana emergente, pinchas con el botón derecho en la imagen y la descargas a tu pc. 
7.-Ahora solo tienes que enviarmela al correo montseseoane@ceipfrianteis.com

Some positive messages could be
Stay at home
Keep calm
Wash your hands
Stay positive
We are together in a  social distance
Good energy is contagious
We can beat it together
Together we fight
Avoid contact with sick people
Everything will be ok
Believe in yourself
Calm down and fight pandemic
Stay home safe
Protect each other
We will win
Stay safe
We can stop Corona

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